
一名 28歲電腦工程師身高 180公分,因暴肥體重近百公斤,嚴控不吃碳水化合物的生酮飲食 1個月,還自製高油脂的防彈咖啡喝,瘦了 10公斤,令親友羡慕不已,想要仿效。台中榮總營養室主任謝惠敏認為,生酮飲食易產生酮酸,速瘦但有健康風險,不適合長期執行,且復胖率高。
這名工程師表示,前陣子因工作壓力大,沒時間運動,體重飆到近百公斤,雖然有節食,但都瘦不下來,他上網發現時下最夯的生酮飲食可以快速瘦身,他戒掉吃米飯、麵、麵包等碳水化合物,水果也只能吃一點點,朋友是營養師,也因此瘦了 6公斤,他因此向朋友請益後,開始執行。
他指出,剛開始很辛苦,他每餐都要吃飯,要做很大調整,另外,水果也有限制,像葡萄最多吃 3顆,他也都不碰,改成以肉類為主食,搭配蔬菜,還要喝很多水,他還自製以黑咖啡加椰子油、奶油的防彈咖啡當早餐,果真一個月減 10公斤,感覺整個人變輕鬆,他持續吃生酮飲食。

A 28-year-old computer engineer is 180 centimeters tall and has a weight of nearly 100 kilograms. He strictly controls the ketogenic diet that does not eat carbohydrates for one month. He also makes high-fat bulletproof coffee and loses 10 kilograms, making his friends and relatives envious. I want to follow suit. Xie Huimin, director of Taizhong Rong's general nutrition department, believes that ketogenic diet is prone to ketoacid, which is quick and thin but has health risks, is not suitable for long-term implementation, and has a high rate of regaining fat.
Xie Huimin said that the ketogenic diet emphasizes daily reduction of insulin secretion by high-fat, very low-carbohydrate diets, conversion of liver fat into ketone bodies to replace glucose, and rapid reduction of body water, weight loss effect is obvious, but side effects are also Large, including dizziness, headache, low blood sugar, cramps and constipation, and even dehydration, easy to produce ketoacid injury, and once returned to normal diet, the rate of re-fat is very high.
The engineer said that because of the pressure of work, there was no time to exercise, and he lost nearly 100 kilograms. Although he was dieting, he could not lose weight. He found that the most embarrassing ketogenic diet can quickly lose weight. Eat rice, noodles, bread and other carbohydrates, fruit can only eat a little, friends are dietitians, and therefore lost 6 kilograms, he therefore invited friends to help, began to implement.
He pointed out that it was very hard at first, he had to eat every meal, and he had to make great adjustments. In addition, there were restrictions on fruits. Like grapes, he ate at most three, and he did not touch it. He changed to meat-based food with vegetables. He also had to drink a lot of water. He also made homemade coffee with black coffee and coconut oil and cream. When he lost 10 kilograms a month, he felt that the whole person became relaxed. He continued to eat the ketogenic diet.
Lin Wenyuan, director of the Family Medicine Department of the Hospital of China Medical University, believes that it should avoid excessively intense injuries, balance diet, exercise, and persevere, so that there will be no yo-yo effect, and more and more fat.

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