- 富含葉酸與維生素B6的天然食材
富含葉酸食物 | 富含維生素B6食物 |
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Senior sports anchor Fu Daren relies on morphine to relieve abdominal pain every day. He is unwilling to continue to suffer from pancreatic cancer. He chooses to euthanasia in Switzerland, and the "King of Cancer" pancreatic cancer is not high, and the mortality rate is extremely high. 2017 Among the top ten cancer deaths in the year, pancreatic cancer ranked eighth, and the world's three major tenors, Pavallo, and Apple founder, Alberts, also died of pancreatic cancer.
The initial symptoms of pancreatic cancer are not obvious, and it is difficult to detect early, and sometimes it is misdiagnosed as enteritis or gastritis. When the pancreas is inflamed for a long time and is not properly treated, the cells will be fibrotic due to inflammation, and the fibrotic cells will repeatedly repair the damaged process, resulting in abnormal proliferation of fibrotic cells. Will eventually lead to the development of malignant tumors and the formation of pancreatic cancer.
What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?
Who is a high risk group for pancreatic cancer?
Zhang Mingzhu, a physician of internal medicine at National Taiwan University Hospital, mentioned in his interview that about 1,500 to 2,000 people in Taiwan suffer from pancreatic cancer every year. There are more male patients than females, but female patients grow rapidly and have doubled in 10 years. The average age of pancreatic cancer is about 70 years old, but in recent years there is a trend of rejuvenation. If it is under 55 years old, it is early-stage pancreatic cancer.
Nakagawa, a professor of digestive surgery at the Tokai University School of Medicine in Japan, mentioned that people with diabetes have a 2- to 3-fold chance of developing pancreatic cancer, and people with smoking habits have a 2-fold risk of pancreatic cancer. However, people who suffer from chronic pancreatitis due to drinking have a 7 to 10 times higher chance of developing pancreatic cancer!
The doctors in the middle school also mentioned that when symptoms of pancreatic cancer appear, nearly 80% of them are in a state where surgery is impossible. If abdominal pain, back pain, loss of appetite, jaundice, brown urine, fever, etc. occur, they are examined by gastroscopy. If there are no abnormalities, you may have to suspect that there is an abnormality in the pancreas or biliary tract. You need to consult a doctor for further examination.
Prevent pancreatic cancer and add more folic acid and vitamin B6
By supplementing folic acid with vitamin B6, the risk of pancreatic cancer can be reduced. A study was conducted at Indiana University in the United States to investigate folic acid in their diet with 150 patients with pancreatic cancer and 459 non-pancreatic cancer patients. , vitamin B6, B12 and methionine intake.
The group with the highest intake of folic acid was found to have a 69% lower risk of pancreatic cancer than the lowest group, and the group with the highest intake of folic acid and vitamin B6 reduced the risk of pancreatic cancer by 76%.
The research team also pointed out that you can eat the following foods rich in folic acid and vitamin B6, from natural ingredients to prevent pancreatic cancer, if the supplement is insufficient, you can consult with the doctor whether you need to use folic acid supplements, and the daily folic acid of the Chinese people The recommended intake is 400 micrograms, not more than 1000 micrograms per day, and vitamin B6 is recommended to be 1.5 milligrams per day.
Natural ingredients rich in folic acid and vitamin B6
Rich in folic acid foods rich in vitamin B6 foods
Edamame, broad bean, soybean, shiitake mushroom, mushroom, spinach, asparagus, egg, pig liver, whole grains, beans, banana, avocado, spinach, potato, dairy, red meat, pork liver, fish